Department Of Science

Establishment: JUNE 1987

Faculty Profile:

Name Qualification Subject Experience
P. R. Gulavani M.Sc., B.Ed. Physics 3 Years
D. R. Patil M. Sc. Botany 4 Years
A. P. Patil M. Sc. Mathematics 3 Years
J. R. Kumbhar M. Sc. Statistics 2 Years
P. P. Yadav M.Sc., B.Ed. Botany 2 Years
A. K. Patil M. Sc. Chemistry 2 Years
A. A. Patil M. Sc. Chemistry 2 Years
P. S. Karpre M. Sc. Computer Science 1 Year
S. R. Patil M. Sc., SET Zoology 1 Year

Class wise strength of the students

Name of the Course Strength
B.Sc. I 60
B.Sc. II 25
B.Sc. III 12
Total 97

Objectives of the subject

Class Subject Objectives
B. Sc I Physics To understand the basic concepts of mechanics and electricity magnetism
Chemistry To understand the concepts methods of organic inorganic chemistry.
Mathematics To understand and solve basic algebraic problems and calculus
Computer Science To demonstrate a familiarity of computer programming language concepts. To describe DBMS and various database used in real applications.
Botany To understand different plant disease and management student will able to understand the bacterial types, sutures and mode of applications.
Zoology To understand diversity concepts and its importance.
Statistics To understand basic statistics probability distribution.
B. Sc II Physics To acquire knowledge of Maxwell’s distribution of gas molecules and apply knowledge of thermodynamic processes design of heat engine.
Chemistry To learn and understand the theoretical basis of electro catalytic conductivity, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, states of matter and surface chemistry
Mathematics To identify types of higher order ordinary differential equations.
Computer Science To understand the principles of web design, HTML and to develop a modern web applications.
Botany TTo study plant systematics, anatomy, genetics and molecular biology.
Zoology To study animal diversity, biochemistry and reproductive biology.
Statistics To understand some Bivariate discrete distribution.
B. Sc III Computer Science To understand C# programming, operating system, Linux, Python and Java programming.
Chemistry To make students capable of studying chemistry in academic and industrial courses and to learn different processes used in industries and their applications.

Calendar of departmental activities

Month B. Sc. I B. Sc. II B. Sc. III
July ----- ----- -----
August Study Tour ----- -----
September Unit Test Unit Test Unit Test
October ----- ----- -----
November ----- ----- -----
December ----- Laboratory Visit -----
January ----- ----- Industrial Visit
February Unit Test Home Assignment Unit Test
March ----- Study Tour/Visit to poultry -----
April ----- Nursery Visit Project

Activities Outcome

Month Activity Outcome of the Activity
June ----- -----
July Seminar on Python Programming Students take knowledge of Python programming.
Certificate course on Soap making and Its Chemistry Students will understand the different types of soaps.
August Seed Rakhi Exhibition Students will understand the making of seed rakhi and its environmental applications.
September Guest Lecture Series Students will learn various concepts from each subject.
Wild Vegetables Students will make different wild vegetables and aware about its nutritional values.
October ----- -----
November Worlds Bird Day (12 Nov) Students will understand different bird specimens and aware about varieties.
December National mathematics Day (22 Dec) Students will understand different concepts from mathematics.
January ----- -----
February National Science Day (28 Feb.) Students will learn and enjoy the scientific activities and aware about the science.
March Blood Group Detection Camp Students will learn about blood group detection and its imporatnce.
April ----- -----
May ----- -----

Future Plans

  1. Seminar on Computer Application & Its Apportunities
  2. Field visit to National Botanical Garden