Department of Economics

Establishment: JUNE 1987

Faculty Profile:

Name Qualification Experience
Asst. Prof.  Dr. D. B. Mane M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,NET, B.Ed. 12 Years
Asst. Prof.  K. S. Kamble M.A., SET 06 Years
Asst. Prof V. S. Patil M.A., SET 03 Years
Asst. Prof.  Dr. A. D. Attar M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,SET, B.Ed., DCM 08 Years
Asst. Prof Y. P. Betkyale M.A., SET 01 Years

Class wise strength of the students

Name of the Course Strength of the Student
B.A. I 79
B.A. II 22
B.A. III 24
B.Com. I 96
B.Com. II 67
B.Com. III 88
Total 376

Objectives of the subject

Class Subject Objectives of the Subjects
B.A. I S.T.D To introduce the students the Science & Technology
Indian Economy To introduce the students the Indian economy.
B. A II Macro Economics To study the basic concept and theories in macro economics.
Banks & Financial Institution In depth knowledge of the theory and practice of bank and financial institution to the student.
Co-Operation To study the meaning and principals of co-operation movement in India.
B. A. III Micro Economics To understand the nature of revenue and cost of production.
Research Methodology in Economics To study the various accept of Research Methodology.
History of Economic Thoughts To understand the developed of economic thoughts.
Economics of Development & planning. To understand basic concept of Economic Development.
International Economics To understand the basic principles that tend to govern the free flow the trade in goods and services.
B.Com.I Business Economics To understand the nature of revenue and cost of production.
B.Com.II Macro Economics To examine the theory of trade cycle.
B.Com.III Business Environment To acquaint to students with Indian economic environment.

Calendar of departmental activities

Month B.A. I B.A II B.A. III
July ----- ----- -----
August ----- ----- -----
September ----- ----- -----
October Home Assignment -I Group Discussion Seminar
December ----- ----- -----
January ----- ----- -----
February ----- ----- -----
March Home Assignment -II Oral Examination Project

Activities Outcome

Sr. No. Name of the Activity Outcome of the Activity
1 World Population Day Awareness about Population Effects and control of population measures
2 Bank Visit To get advance banking practices

Future Plans

  1. To organize one day national seminar.
  2. To organize outreach and extension program